Te Whaiti School Stories were started by Ruth Wynyard and Karen Laugesen - 2002 AUT Communications Graduate volunteers who spent three days interviewing school and community members over the Tipu Ake launch Weekend 17-18 Nov 2001.
New Tools for Growing Living Organisations and Communities (12 page .pdf Nov 2006)
An overview of Tipu Ake - some of the world's first "Systems Thinking"application tools that help teams address the challenges of our fast changing world of complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity.
Lifelong Learning - Nature's Way (8 page .pdf August 2007 - written for NZ Playcentre Mag) Tipu Ake was defined as a Leadership Model. This paper goes back to the school stories and values and remaps Tipu Ake as a organic model for learning and growth
Thinking Beyond just Sustainabilty (How Tipu Ake and kaitiakianga concepts can help - Mar 2003). Andree Mathieu a physicist, wriiter, environmentalist and Natural Step presenter shows how Tipu Ake and Kaitiakitanga values can support and extend current sustainability models and thinking.
Blue skies through the trees: (Project Management application - April 2003)
A story that takes leadership lessons from the school experience, relating Tipu Ake to conventional project management, change management and organisational transformation thinking. By Peter Goldsbury.Whirinaki Bush Wisdom (Indigenous Maori worldview - Jan 2002)
A story of the schools success from a Maori values and wisdom perspective. By Ruth WynyardGrowing the Future: (Tipu Ake lifecycle - Feb 2002). Tipu Ake - A leadership framework for innovative organisations. A story that translates the school's process into the Tipu Ake Model so others can use it to help them take their future into their own hands. By Karen Laugesen. For more information download the full Tipu Ake model.
A Class Act: (School management -Mar 2002)
How an isolated school showed the way forward to the knowledge economy:
A story that describes the school transformation process. By Ruth Wynyard and Karen Laugesen.Leadership - Growing Tomorrow's Schools Today (Oral history of school transformation - 2002). How did the Te Whaiti School go about transforming itself ? Members of the school tell it in their own words.
Vision, Verbs and Tipu Ake - (Potent program /project leadership tools for growing living organisations - Oct 2004..5). An expansion on the paper on Tipu Ake presented at the Project Management Institute Global Forum, Anahiem 2004, to share it as a new set of tools and for Living Organisations. (See now Tools for Growing Living Organations (Above)
The Tipu Ake Lifecycle - A Journey ( A Case Study - 2003). A case study for students in management, compiled by Ross Milne, Lecturer in Management , Auckland University of Technology
Back to nature way to herd cats (Tipu Ake leadership in organisations - Jan 2002). NZ Herald writer, Vicki Jayne looks to life and death in nature through Tipu Ake - to find a new way to get things done in organisations (NZ Herald Jan 16 2002)
Translations: (Now available in French)
Supporting Stories: (Leadership, organic models, complexity, chaos etc). How Tipu Ake relates to some of the world's freshest living systems thinking on leadership, teamwork, management and organisational development. Pointers to stories by Fritjof Capra, Donella Meadows, Elsabet Sahtouris, Jeanette Armstrong, Roger Booth, Eileen Clegg, Donna Robbins, Margaret Wheatley, Martin Luther King and many others
What users have said: Comments from people exposed to Tipu Ake thinking, who are using it in their organisations.