Tipu Ake - A radical leadership model for growing living organisations and communities 

How is Tipu Ake different?

The Tipu Ake Lifecycle is a holistic leadership framework that encompasses and adds new meaning to a whole range of conventional management thinking and tools. 

1. Most management thinking takes a Newtonian "machine like" view of organisations. The Tipu Ake view is that of a Living Organisation comprising living components all interdependent and striving together to grow a future in our real world living environment with all its complexity, ambiguity and apparent chaos.

2. Many improvement models take a process view of an organisation and describe how projects and teams fit in to it. Tipu Ake is a behavioural model that concentrates on the organisational, team and leadership behaviours that build capability and thus drive success.

3. Most current management thinking is highly analytical and fits within the Tipu Ake Process (middle) level. Tipu Ake surrounds this with other levels that rely on Leadership. The three levels below support innovation, leadership and teamwork, whilst the three above provide collective sensibility checking (common sense), wisdom accumulation and the vision of wellbeing that is aimed for. 

4. Whilst most models take a linear process path towards the objectives they seek, Tipu Ake's uniqueness is that it is organic. It is a cyclic model that recognises that it is often necessary to cycle back and reinforce in order to move further forward.

5. Many organisations are preoccupied with the concept of the "The Leader" who gives it a vision and structure. By comparison, Tipu Ake focuses on "Leadership" - This is what moves the organisation forward, and it works best when shared so anyone can contribute it.

Comparison with other Management Models:

The downloadable Tipu Ake Model document has views that describes where many other models fit in, including many of the following:

Chaos Theory 12, Capability Maturity Modeling ( eg Software Engineering Institute's (SEI) CMM) 1, PMI's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and Organisational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) 7, Baldridge and NZ Business Excellence Award Criteria 3, Project Leadership, Management by Objectives, Business for Social Responsibility 13, Business for Sustainable Development 14, Triple Bottom Line 13, TQM, Deming's PDCA Quality Wheel, Situational Leadership 4, Contingency Leadership 5, Inspirational, Motivational orTransformational vs Transactional Leadership, Balanced Scorecard 2, Belbin's Team Roles 6, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Covey's Seven Habits 11, Hertzburg's Hygene and Motivation Factors, Innovation, Opportunity and Entreprenourship 9, Organic models and indigenous thinking, Geert Hofstede's Cultural Dimension 10, Complexity Theory 15, Extremophile response 16. The Natural Step and Interface Inc process - Sustainability Models Click for story 17, Biomimicry 18, Living Organisations (Margaret Wheatley) and others 19, Autopoesis 20, Systems Thinking 21

References and website links:

1 (SM) Capability Maturity Model is a service mark of the Carnegie Melon University www.sei.com ® CMM is a registered trademark
2 The Balanced Scorecard was developed by Dr Robert Caplin and Dr David Norton at Harvard University. http://www.bscol.com
3 The NZ NZ Business Excellence Foundation awards follow the Baldridge Criteria and are run by the www.nzbef.org.nz
4 Situational Management by Ken Blanchard www.kenblanchardcompanies.com
5 Contingency Model of Management by Fred Fielder www.leadershipdirect.com/situational_leadership.html
6 Belbin Team Roles is a registered trade mark of Belbin and Associates, Cambridge, England www.belbin.com
7 The Project Management Institute "Building Professionalism in Project Management" www.pmi.com www.pmi.nz.com. PMI, PMBOK and OPM3 are its registered trade marks.
8 W Edward Deming founded the Deming Institute www.deming.com
9 Peter Drucker "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" Heinemann ISBN 0434904082 http://www.pfdf.org
10 Geert Hofstede "Organisations and Culture" http://cwis.kub.nl/~fsw_2/iric/hofstede/index.htm
11 Franklin-Covey Website http://www.franklincovey.com/
12 Chaos theory website http://library.thinkquest.org/3120/
13 Business for Social Responsibility (NZ) www.bsr.org.nz
14 NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZ) www.nzbcsd.org.nz
15 Plexus Institute "From Lifecycle to Ecocycle - renewal via destruction and encouraging diversity" http://www.plexusinstitute.com/edgeware/archive/think/main_aides9.html
16 Extremophile Response by Eileen Clegg; http://www.human-landscaping.com/clegg/thrive.html
17 The Natural Step - www.naturalstep.org; www.interfacesustainability.com
18 Biomimicry - studies nature's models and then imitates or takes inspiration from these designs Janine Benyus http://www.biomimicry.net/intro.html
19 Living Organisations - Margaret Wheatley, Berkana Institute and others http://www.berkana.org/index.htm
20 Autopeosis - the interconnectedness of self maintaining life http://www.christianhubert.com/hypertext/Autopoesis.htm
21 Systems thinking - Fritjof Capra www.ecoliteracy.org Gene Bellinger's website http://www.systems-thinking.org/t

See also supporting stories and links to other organisation's websites that compliment Tipu Ake.