Tipu Ake ki te Ora Application Case Studies: 

As a wholistic model focusing on organisational, team and individual behaviours more so than processes, Tipu Ake tools are relevant to a wide range of organisations in corporate, government, community, education and other sectors who want to grow a more effective team based approach to drive their futures. Some examples, mainly seeded via in-house and public project management workshops: www.projectmanagement.co.nz are:

Corporate - 

  • A NZ primary producer replacing its IT infrastructure, used Tipu Ake visioning processes to help clarify its purpose and identify the outcomes sought by all parties in its supply chain.

  • A NZ software company dominating a niche in the international marketplace, included Tipu Ake thinking to facilitate a global team approach to define and manage its new developments and projects.

  • Leading NZ companies in the finance, hi-tech and other sectors have used it to strengthen their team project capability via project leadership workshops rolled out across their organisations.

  • Participants from Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on public PM workshops have used Tipu Ake tools to help better understand behaviours, projects, change and how to grow from within.


  • Policy Advisors and others from many NZ central government ministries have attended public workshops where they have used Tipu Ake to help clarify their roles, better initiate development projects and in particular to use its tools to help grow more effective cross agency collaborative programs,

  • Central and regional government agencies, local authorities and other services have been challenged by Tipu Ake thinking on in-house project leadership / team building workshops. Its tools are helpful for Long Term Council and Community Planning (LTCCP) initiatives.

  • Many health sector organisations have found that the Tipu Ake ki to Ora focus on Ora (or Wellbeing ) gives them a frameworks for growing more effective organisations.

Community and environmental:

  • Tipu Ake is being applied by community groups in Raglan, Hokianga and elsewhere who are sharing their experiences as part of the Kaitiakitanga network. www.kaitiakitanga.net - (See videoclips page)

  • Members of the Arowhenua Marae in Temuka in the South Island of NZ, are using Tipu Ake as a guiding tool for their health and community development programmes.

  • A group in a valley in Mid Wales got together and used Tipu Ake ki te Ora to help grow a local team to help address complex issues affecting the future of their small rural communities.

  • A network was assembled to promote national sustainable development awareness using Hunter Lovins as a catalyst in national forums see "how we work"ed at www.kaitiakitanga.net/hunterlovins


  • Te Whaiti School was the example that inspired Tipu Ake... they did this before the model existed. (See videoclips page)

  • Masters students on a project management module at the Auckland University of Technology have applied Tipu Ake thinking to grow together to form a strong self organised assignment team that prepares them well for the challenges of collaborative work life. (see course report / reflection)

  • A Training Company in California is writing a Project Leadership Development module based on Tipu Ake for use by US and other Universities on their industry development programmes.

Youth Empowerment: 

As Tipu Ake is in the public domain many others from around the world have picked it up and are using it as a guide or tool in their own situations. Some of the Organisations we have networked with and often exchanged links with can be found on our our ConnectioNZ - Links page.